風淋室可分為以下幾種:單人單吹風淋室,單人雙吹風淋室,單人三吹風淋室,雙人雙吹風淋室,不銹鋼風淋室,智能語音風淋室,自動移門風淋室,防爆風淋室,不銹鋼風淋室,風淋通道 可根據客戶需求訂做非標準風淋室
Classification: the wind drenches the room to be possible to divide into the following several kinds: The single blowing drenches the room only, the single double blowing drenches the room, the single three blowings drenches the room, the two person double blowing drenches the room, the stainless steel wind drenches the room, the intelligent pronunciation wind drenches the room, moves to the family tradition to drench the room automatically, against windage drenches the room, the stainless steel wind drenches the room, the wind drenches the channel to be possible to make to order the non-standard wind according to the customer demand to drench room the function: the wind drenches the room is the human enters the channel which the clean room must, it may reduce the human to pass in and out the contamination concern which the clean room brings. The wind drenches the room two gate electron interlock, may the concurrently air lock tank function, prevent the air which purifies not to enter the clean room, this company produces the high tech intelligence pronunciation wind drenches the room to have the voice prompt system, the human when blows drenches by the automatic phonetic system prompt lets the human have the order to complete entire blows drenches the dust removal process, the user-friendly voice prompt for the human one kind of kind feeling, and achieves the effective purification effect, by may revolve the spray nozzle after the highly effective filter filtration's pure air current from each direction spraying to the person body on, effective and rapid elimination dust granule, after eliminating dust granule again by at the beginning, highly effective filterAfter the filtration, circulates the wind to drench in the region.